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"Be a voice, not an echo"

- Albert Einstein


Why Leaders Eat Last

99U: Simon Sinek

Running Time: 45:50

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

Ted: Dan Pink

Running Time: 18:37

Shawn Achor: The Happiness Advantage

Ted: Shawn Achor

Running Time: 12:29

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to Success? Grit

Ted: Angela Lee Duckworth

Running Time: 6:12

Michael Lewis on 'Moneyball' and Wall Street

The Big Think: Michael Lewis

Running Time: 5:15

Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From

Ted: Steven Johnson

Running Time: 18:16

John Mackey: Conscious Capitalism

Authors at Google: John Mackey of Whole Foods

Running Time: 59:12

Advice, Insights and Intelligence from Warren Buffet, Jay Z & Steve Forbes

Forbes: Jay Z, Warren Buffet

Running Time: 52:39

Leadership Lessons Learned on the firing line

Princeton Lectures: Anne Mulcahy

Running Time: 47:06

Don Keogh Speech on Classic Coke

Coca Cola Conversations: Don Keogh

Running Time: 5:52

Alan Mulally of Ford: Leaders Must Serve with Courage

Stanford Business School: Alan Mulally

Running Time: 52:19

A conversation with Angela Ahrendts

Khan Academy: Angela Ahrendts

Running Time: 34:25

Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

Ted: Sheryl Sandberg

Running Time: 15:28

So we leaned what?

Ted: Sheryl Sandberg

Running Time: 16:57

Zappos: Building a formidable Brand

Stanford Business School

Tony Hsieh - Zappos CEO

Running Time: 54:40

How great leaders inspire action

Ted: Simon Sinek

Running Time: 18:34

Think Small To Solve Big Problems

The Big Think

Stephen Dubner - co-author of Think Like a Freak

Running Time: 9:01

To Grow a Business, Place Small Little Bets

The Big Think

Salmon Khan - Khan Academy

Running Time: 4:50

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and why it matters

London School of Economics

Professor Richard Rumelt

Running Time: 1:34:52


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